IATSE International is the preeminent entertainment technicians Union in Toronto and across North America. IATSE International has over 150,000 members continentally. IATSE is the Union behind Entertainment. With over 365 film and entertainment unions across the United States and Canada, IATSE 873 ranks as one of the top in Canada.
IATSE 873 is a democratic Union with the primary goal of representing and advancing motion picture workers’ interests collectively. As an IATSE Local 873 member you have representation, a say in your rights at work, and a part in the decisions your Union makes about the industry you work in.
The IATSE was founded over 125 years ago and continues working to this day to improve, maintain and defend the rights and working conditions of its members. The following conditions are some that have been won by IATSE: Weekend turnaround, meal penalties, travel time payments, medical and dental benefits, and RRSP plans. Employers have never just handed out entitlements they are gained through the union's bargaining efforts. Today, the IATSE 873 members working in Toronto benefit from one of the strongest contracts found anywhere in the North American film and television industry.
IATSE 873 members working on union contracted productions earn an average of 20% to 50% more than those working on non-union feature film and television productions. Their top tier rates and fringes can be up to 20% higher than other unions representing film technicians.
IATSE 873 works tirelessly to provide the safest working environment for our members. IATSE campaigns on workplace safety and encourages workers to be actively involved in raising safety issues. 873 provides a number of training courses both virtually and at its Training Centre that help educate our members on health and safety issues, including identifying and dealing with hazards and knowing your rights as a worker when it comes to your safety. The union acts quickly on all safety issues brought to our attention, making sure every employer is taking the steps necessary to keep our workers safe.
IATSE 873 works very hard to ensure your work rights and conditions are maintained. The production companies and studios have someone to ensure their interests are met; the best way to ensure your interests are protected is to join the union. In addition to support at work, IATSE assists by lobbying for political and legislative policies that are pro-worker.
IATSE 873 has specialized and advanced training opportunities for all members to participate in. With both in-person training at its Training Centre and online training, IATSE 873 ensures that our members continue to be among the most skilled available anywhere in the world.
IATSE 873 members participate in a comprehensive group benefits plan which includes (but is not limited to); life insurance, accidental death and critical illness insurance, and a member assistance plan covering anything from mental health assistance to legal support. Members of the health and dental plan receive coverage for hospitalization, drug and dental coverage and many paramedical services, paid for by employer contributions.
IATSE 873 is a member of the Canadian Entertainment Industry Retirement Plan. Members have access to a group RSP with low management fees and flexible investment choices – a great way to save for retirement. IATSE 873 employers are required to make mandatory contributions to members’ retirement plans.
IATSE 873 is represented at the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress. IATSE works with other labour organizations to ensure the rights and representation of all workers. Unions work to protect the right to collectively bargain. We are committed to supporting the union movement to the betterment of all workers and unions.